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IAE Business School

Our Mission

To contribute to advancing knowledge and to training business executives, both on management capabilities and on the human virtues required for leadership.

Our Core Values

To promote human beings based on their dignity and transcendent destiny, embrace work as a necessary means for personal growth and to serve others, focus on the common good, going beyond individual interests and immediate needs to consider society as a whole, and to search for the truth.

Organizational Purpose

IAE was created and continues to operate with the two-fold purpose of:

  • Articulating and driving an essential positive change in business organizations’ culture, values and virtues. First and foremost, this involves a transformation in the management styles and practices of executives taking on leadership roles in organizations.

  • Disseminating these values and virtues to society at large via companies. The starting point is the transcendent Christian view of human beings, which merges individual and social realms.


To pursue this goal, IAE focuses on:

  • Training organizational leaders on capabilities and virtues associated with a professional career, personal and family life, and citizenship and social engagement.

  • Collaborating primarily with business companies, public agencies, and civil society organizations to support their leaders’ training, so that they can serve society increasingly better.

  • Advancing knowledge (R&D) on organizational management.

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